Thank you Alive- I was just typing something similar. We each have our own unique experiences and perspectives. Each hall was different - each persons family was different - each perspective is different.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Our thoughts on the latest JW Broadcast for the month of May
by Christian Gutierrez inhowdy guys!
this is our latest video on the jw broadcast in short form.
we talk about jw marriage challenges.
I'm getting baptized
by BlackWolf ini know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
just fine
It's going to be ok either way. Do what you have to do until you are in a position to do what you want to do. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. You will make it through this and be ok. -
I'm getting baptized
by BlackWolf ini know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
just fine
I understand he pressure to get baptized - I did it at 16. My Father was an elder too. If you can avoid it - don't get baptized, but you are going to have to do what needs to be done to survive until you are of legal age. I left, never got disfellowshipped and after a while my parents established an adult relationship with me. I went to college and have a pretty good life. So no matter which way you end up going (baptized or not) it's not the end of the world. -
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on
by ttdtt in
just fine
I think the video is nuts but I am loving the bad press. Let's see how they spin this. The funny thing is I talked to my still in parents about gay marriage a while back and they were so proud of the witnesses because they don't make public statements to get involved in the LGBT issues. Lol - they're in the middle of it now!
Its nice when their own propaganda gets them.
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on
by ttdtt in
just fine
Love people for who they are. It's so much easier to just love everyone.
As for homeschooling - I knew kids who were homeschooled and it was a joke. I had one as a roommate in my early twenties. Didn't know basic geography or other elementary level subjects. She was at such a huge disadvantage.
Share your home remedies for congestion and earache...please?
by GrreatTeacher inthe extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
just fine
Braggs is just unfiltered and organic. You can get it at Walmart or a grocery store a quart is about $6. I never would have believed it worked but I tried it and it did! -
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on
by ttdtt in
just fine
This kind of crap is just them trying to judge others as less worthy of God. I have met some really wonderful people who happen to be gay. I was just visiting with a lesbian couple I know tonight and one of them has Mormon family that are giving her a really hard time right now. Why can't they just love other people the way they are. It's so sad.
Share your home remedies for congestion and earache...please?
by GrreatTeacher inthe extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
just fine
Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, honey and water.
My Bible Study Is Wide Awake To The TTATT
by James Jack ini ran into my old bible study at the kingdom hall recently, he was baptized as a jw 8 years ago.
we started talking about small things and catching up about our families and then the bombshell.. "my wife and i are deeply troubled by the watchtower change of doctrine, prophecy, and their history"!
"did you know about charles russell and his failed marriage... his view of pyramids... generation mistakes... and dates... that place in california for returning prophets..."and on and on he went.. i told him i knew all about it and then show him a publication on display in the foyer (i think it is divine plan of the ages), and it had a fold out of a pyramid and a description on bible verses that showed 1914 was the year the big a was going to happen.
just fine
I don't mean this to come off rude, but there are a lot of less destructive places you can get spiritual guidance from if that is what you want. And just because you don't attend the KH doesn't mean you can't have values that are intrinsic to you and not imposed upon you from the Watchtower. You don't have to drink or "sin" in any other way if you don't want to. -
Jehovah's Witness Church Release Statement
by truthseekeriam in"we are saddened to hear about the death of prince rogers nelson, who was baptized as one of jehovah’s witnesses in 2003," the church said in a statement obtained by people.
the church said that prince "found fulfillment as a witness and in sharing his faith with others.
just fine
It could backfire for the Watchtower. My still in parents are disgusted by this whole circus and the fact that the organization even commented on it. So maybe it will wake some people up.